Joggles update

I have very much enjoyed Kay's samplers over at Smockery. Kay is not afraid of colour. I am. With this sampler I have used colour. To great effect? probably not, but it is a sampler, and I can live, and learn from things I don't like.
Remember this sampler focuses on scale and density, and how to create that effect with a needle and thread. It is not finished yet, there is a grand plan for the french knots.

I have been reading with interest SharonBs blog and her opinions on the importance of keeping a visual journal. This is a habit I have started several times (therefore unsuccessfully). I do see the value in preserving ideas on paper, it is just something I have found difficult to do on a regular basis.

The other thing that I find interesting are those class members that record all the threads they use for a particular stitch, or a sampler. I guess I can see the value in this, for others, who may looking at my pics and are interested, but I think for me, this class is about just the stitching, the exploration, and completely milking Sharon of any pearls of wisdom she is willing to part with. I don't want to be able to recreate a stitch later, I want to recreate a feeling, or a moment. I am so enjoying stitching just because......
Having said that, if anyone is desperate to know what thread I have used for something, just ask!
I mostly stick with DMC floss, pearle 8 and perle 5. I have thrown in a little wool, and will be using some ribbon soon.
(The bottom photo is truer in colour)


Anonymous said...

I love this sampler on felt! I think you were right, that the grid of the other sampler was holding you back.
This feels much more free.

Marty52 said...

You do such beautiful work... truly inspiring... and the colors are just fine!

Anonymous said...

I think you have used some pretty colors, Jo, especially for one who doesn't like to use much. I, too, am always surprised in RR's when the stitcher details each stitch with what threads they used, and from where they bought them!

Anonymous said...

Jo, I absolutely love your samplers, you are going to tell me you were an embroiderer in an other life, you are not going to tell me you only started this a little over a year ago. If you do I think I will hang my hats. Lol Trully your work is amazing. And your achieve so much. When my boys were small I certainly didn't get as much done as you. Keep up the great work and maybe one day I can get to be like you. Lol.

Jo in NZ said...

Thanks for the compliments guys.
Judith, I did do embroidery when I was a girl, but just satin stitch and lazy daizy etc over a pre printed pic. I was a cross stitcher in a previous life also, but I would have to say my exploration into CQ, embroidery and seam treatments has been only for about a year.

Nancilyn (Fiberdabbler) said...

About a year? I'm astonished. Your work for this class made me think you'd previously studied with Sharon. I see you accomplishing all of the concepts she's brought us.

Anonymous said...

This is great, Jo! I can't wait to wee where you go with this! You have such a talent.

Anonymous said...

I knew you were going to say that!!! What did you do before, please tell me you were at artist at least.
Trully your work is amazing I love the way you are not afraid to explore, just jump in and go for it.

Jo in NZ said...

Judith, I had the worst, most uninspiring and plain mean art teacher in third form, and there my romantic notions of being a painter with my easel and canvas ended!
I did do carpentry, and tech drawing, and all those things that are useful in design, and I have always been 'arty', but no I was not an artist in a previous life either. I spent many years being too afraid to do anything because of what others might think, luckily I had a realization early on (20s) that the only person that truly controls my destiny is me, and I have to be myself to be happy, because no matter where I go...I will ALWAYS meet myself there! and if I am a grumpy , unfulfilled, uninspired cow who isn't happy with myself, why the heck should anyone else bother. (completely lost the point there, but some things just have to be said lol).
As to the fact that I get alot done, stitching, yeah sure, but I ain't so good on the old housework side of things, and thank goodness that mac'n'cheese only takes 15 minutes to cook up and kids love it! lol

Anonymous said...

what a beautiful and imaginative piece! I'm eager to see your grand plan, too, as you execute it.
I had no idea you'd been stitching only a year. That might give me hope, except I am convinced you are a prodigy!

Anonymous said...

Go Jo! This has great potential! Not being afraid of colour has its drawbacks too - more often than not I find it difficult to restrain myself and finish up with a real pig's breakfast!

Anonymous said...


Your needlework is exceptional. I love the way you've layered and merged stitches together. I like the "how to" on the buttonhole wheel and will use it! Thanks.


Susan said...

Somehow I missed this development of the wheels. I love the colors and the balance of it.

I think it's sad that a teacher limited your art, rather than throwing open the sky to you.