Now I know I am not the first to do instructions on this, but I had to read several diff ones to get it, and it really is very easy, and very effective when you know how.
first, lay down you 'foundation' row, however you would normally do this

bring your thread up after the first bead

add 3 beads (of your choice) to your thread. -you can add more, if you want a bigger 'ruffle'. I will get to that in a mo...

jump over the next bead, then pass your needle through the 3rd bead. If you want a larger ruffle, then add another 1, mabe 2 beads, or you could add 5 beads and skip two before passing the needle through. This stitch also lends itself well to 'layering' though, so adding a second and/or third row is always an option. I won'tbe on this small piece, but will try and do something to show that another time.

here is a different angle of the same thing . The 'ruffle' is created because you are adding more beads than can 'sit flat' against your foundation stitch. No room means they gather up.

Once your needle has passed thru, you do the same thing again, until you get to the end of your row.

This pic is showing that I pull my thread toward the point of the previous picot (ruffle). I found that this created a nice ruffle. Previously, I pulled the thread down and away from the point, which caused each addition to sit on the opposite side of the foundation line. This aso looked nice, but didn't ruffle as well (see next pic)

Here you can see how the stitch zigzags the foundation line, rather than ruffling. I can still make this ruffle, but it tends to go back to this. You could do it this way and add extra beads and still get the ruffle I would imagine. Something for you to experiment with.

And here is the finished row
I can think of lots of places to use this stitch in CQ. Around silkies comes to mind. Along a piece of lace to fancy it up. around in a tight spiral would make a stunning flower.
Do remember to knot frequently, and take your needle back up through the fabric one bead back, and bring it up thru a foundation bead before adding your 'ruffle' beads.
Very nice tutorial. I will have to give this a try.
Oooo, lovely tute, Jo! Thanks for the this, I know I'll use it somewhere special. ;0)
I had just read "busy beady fingers" and was going to search the web for oglala stitch when I saw you'd posted this. So thank you! Saved me the trouble of perusing all the confusing and contradictory instructions you went through. :^) I had a beading idea bouncing around in my head and I think this will be perfect for it.
Great tutorial! I just put a link to this post on my blog. I know my beady readers are going to love it! Thanks for the great resource.
Thank you Jo! I was admiring your beading on the purse and wondered how you did it. I had never heard of oglala stitch before. I'm going to play with it, for sure.
I'm so grateful you posted this. I went searching the other day after your last post and couldn't find a tute easily. Thanks for answering my prayer...Susan
Fabulous tut!!! Thank you for showing us another awesome technique - Ijust finsihed making a batch of faces and now have something to work on when I go on vacation next week. I can't wait to whip up a few of these. As always - I love your work!
That's so effective - simple (in theory!) but it gives such a lovely look. I need to give it a go!
Hi Jo,
Here's a link to the Oglala beadwork I did:
This is fabulous!! Thanks.
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