exciting stuff !?
What a complete bloody drama to get pictures posted to my blog. I have been trying for days. Blogger has instigated another new picture uploading to and it DOES NOT WORK FOR ME!!
Luckily, if i edit a post from my blog, I still get the old version, which doesn't allow me to place pics, but does at least allow me to upload without crashing my browser.
So this is what I have been working on. These are Pohutukawa flowers. We call it the New Zealand Christmas tree as the trees flower these gorgeous red blooms in Dec and January. I had a custom order for two pouches for a friend to send to overseas relatives. These would also look fantastic on stockings or postcards. Real Kiwiana.The necklace above I won in a blog giveaway. How cool is that!! I don't actually read the blog, but a link on another blog sent me off to donate $10 for breast cancer research via paypal, and for that I apparently got two entries into the draw. I did look up the blog later, and what a fantastically , well organised, fundraising event this was. There was a ton of prizes donated by other various bloggers. This was one of the Monica Magness Pink causes.
I am very happy with my Laura Krasinski necklace.
I have a had a couple of sales today - thank goodness - it has been so slow.
If you have been eyeing something up as a christmas gift in my ETSY shop, please don't dilly-dally, as I would like to avoid any delays for you, and mail as soon as possible .
How about I offer a deal. Free shipping as long as you enter my blog name in the "message to seller" box. I will refund the shipping to you. It may not seem like a lot, but it sure adds up at christmas time! (this will run thru to Dec 10)
Luv the flowers and a really cute necklace that you won!
Those red flowers are fantastic...I hope to try them out if you don't mind. My favorite stitch is the french knot.
Wow lovely flowers Jo...
Hi Jo
The flowers are beautiful. They look like they take a lot of thread but well worth it. I may try one sometime.
I too won 2 prizes on the Pink breast cancer draw. I showed them on my blog recently.
Your necklace is beautiful - I bet you were surprised. I think next year if Monica does the same I will make something for a prize. I am a 10 year survivor so that is a great reason for doing so and thank you for donating to our cause. I guess it is the same cause for all women no matter age, location, etc.
Love your flowers Jo. We have a tree here that is like those, we call them a bottle brush here. The humming birds love them. Ours bloom in the spring here also. Thanks for the inspiration.
Fantastic flowers JO !
Hi Jo! So glad you won a prize at the fundraiser!
But I completely loved the pics of your embroidered P.... flowers and the story behind them. Your embroidery of them is absolutely beautiful!
Those pohutakawa flowers are beautiful.
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