I know, I get to rant about someone other than yahoo. I guess I shouldn't really rant, as what they provide is free, but does that mean I should expect an inferior service!! They must get money from it somewhere...
anyway, to the purpose of the post. I decided to check my spam folder before deleting them, and OMG!! there are so many comments going into that folder. There is far more love out there for me than I knew. So thankyou for commenting. I apologise profusely if I haven't answered any question or queries - Melissa I will try and do that close up for you hon .
I am sorry, I try not to be a neglectful blogger. I do try to answer questions when asked, although for a mini blogger rant, it would be terrrrrrribly helpful if you made your email public so that those of us that like to reply personally, can do so easily when your comments come thru.

Sorry, sorry sorry......


Charlene ♥ NC said...

Do you know I've been trying to find out for eons how to make that happen - reply to the comment. THANK YOU so much for informing me!! Going to do it NOW.

Melissa said...

No prob Jo I didn't feel neglected at all! LOL OH I don't put my e-mail as public because I've gotten spam from my blog that way...it ruined it for me, I may try again though. I just hate spam!

Gerry said...

ROFL. I just told DH the other day when I was hopping mad, "I guess you get what you pay for."