More joggles.....

Well you can see what I have been doing. I thought I was finished with this, but, no, I was not. I added another section to the botton of the freeform area, this time going back to 'points' as the focus. I have used some wool this time, and darker colours to give it some visual weight. The separate line underneath is the portugese knot, MASTERED. I like this done in a thick fibre, with one wrap and quite a large running stitch. I also did a double fly stitch seam treatment, and a barred chain stitch.

Now, i shall tell you what I haven't been doing....

I haven't been doing my art memes, but they are not far off done. Ladies would you prefer something finished and useable, or something you could use as a patch for something else. I don't mind which, but an idea of how you feel would be good.

I haven't been working on my bags for market day NEXT WEEKEND!! I haven't even booked the stall.

I haven't been finishing up my DYB, again almost done.

I haven't done the paperwork that will ensure that Playcentre can open next term. Lucky I'm on the team that runs all that! (edited to say "It's done")

I haven't put the dry washing away.

Sharon, you have a lot to answer for!!


Conni said...

This has such a lovely flow to it. Beautiful work!

Susan said...

I like it. It has a very artistic feeling to it. At first, I had the impression of a sleigh, and then of a very elaborate shoe - 1001 Nights kind of shoe.

Art won't wait. All those other things will. =)

Anonymous said...

Jo, this is fantastic. I love the new bit, that weight at the bottom really makes it come alive.

Anonymous said...

Very lovely, Jo. It gives such a warm, feeling.

Stacy said...

Ditto on what the other ladies said. And whatever you've done to the button...I love IT! Must play around with that myself!!!

Anonymous said...


sharonb said...

jo - this is great - looks like your having fun but I am pleased you got the play centre admin done - I would hate to have that on my mind LOL

Nancilyn (Fiberdabbler) said...

I absolutely love the center part of your sampler, the way you let the dense portion lighten out. I just left a similar comment on Sharon's blog about her use of density on one of the sampler covers.

Anonymous said...

It's so beautiful! I love the button, I can't wait to learn more of that type of thing. I'm still so new I have tons to learn:) Thanks so much for sharing.

Erica said...

lovely stitching, your 'haven't done' list is nearly as long as mine VBG

Melissa said...

It's stunning! I was looking at the Joggles class but didn't sign up - regretting that now.

Great work - be sure to show it finished!

allie aller said...

Interesting, beautiful, and inspiring work!

JK said...

So this is where you have been! This is beautiful hon, and so much work! I love everything on this sampler.

Anonymous said...

Jo, it is just gorgeous!