Class sampler

Here is the first pic from my first sampler.
I decided to do them larger than postcard, but I don't think it is quite A4 size.
The first 3 rows are the guilloche stitch. This didn't really float my boat, but I have seen some nice variations on from other classmates. I think I need to do more variations, with different threads etc. I like the first row better, more delicate . I think this stitch would be difficult for me to recreate as a seam treatment (that looked good once done)
I do however, really love the woven, stepped running stitch. I haven't done this before. I will do some more experimenting with this before lesson two comes out.
I have to say, the work Sharon has put into the lessons alone is just phenomenal. Thanks Sharon, I think you have done an awful lot for very little.


Susan said...

I like the third and fourth rows. I'm enjoying seeing what people in that class are doing. Everyone's blocks look so different.

Anonymous said...

Oooh Pretty! I think I may have to take one of her classes next time she does them!

Anonymous said...

I like the first row and the running stitch too (must have some of that on mine). Its fun, isn't it, to see what others are doing?

Anonymous said...

Hi Jo,

I was just checkin' out your samplers. They look great. I'm working on the Gulloch myself, right now. You should try doing the Gullioch with a figure 8 instead of a circle....I think you'll like the results. I used a singl #5 perle and tacked in in the middle. I think a small bead would look good in the center. I used black! I did it by accident...and I got some drastic results. Brenda M.