CC #9

Here is todays CC, done yesterday, but hey, shoot me. This is called blind contour drawing. You do not look at the page while you draw...which is why it looks like my 3yr old did it. I am a bit embarrased by it, but I will remain faithful to my CC and post a piccie for you all to see. It's an ..interesting....way to draw, some of the other blogs I look at ( hashiworks, for one), wow, people are really good at this. I spose practise makes perfect, I'm just not sure if this is me. I've given it a go though. See if you can guess what they are before clicking on the pic and reading the words.


Sharon said...
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Sharon said...

Take two... Sorry about that... Now what I said was - with spelling mistakes corrected - I would like to see the ones I could do - not!!!! I would imagine that these would lead to some most interesting works... Good on you - keep going... I will drop by more often to see the results...