WOOHOO to boohoo

For those of you that read the last post , via bloglines (or similar) and came to see, and wondered "what the heck, there's nothing there". Well, I deleted it, because it didn't work! The links wouldn't link. I'm seeking more help
boohoo boohoohoo boo boohoohooo


May Britt said...

I also have had trouble with links and posting photos these days. Perhaps blogspot is fooling with us. I'll think we just have to wait until it will cooperate again.
Boohooo from me too.

Susan said...

This morning blogger wouldn't even let me in for about 30 minutes, and the link they sent (because it was telling me that was the wrong login info) was not recognized by the server! I think they don't have as much power as they need for all the bloggers there are now - space, time, something.

sharonb said...

the links are working now - so you got it right - perhaps blogger was just mucking you about

Lil said...

blogspot has been 'messing' with me too for three days now.
