First paisley bag complete

Well , I can have a little happy dance (cross stitch speak for "yay I'm finished!). Here is the first bag for the Paisley Bauble Bag Swap. This came together quite nicely, I'm attached to it. It will be hasd to say good bye.....sniff.
I'm not 100% happy with the shi sha'd coin, I was trying to add 'colour', but that is not the right colours. Never mind. It was too labour intensive to frog. There is some random detached chain stitch on the gold fabric. This is actually a shot dupion silk, gold and teal. Very nice, went and got more today. It's end of line, half price.

This is the other side of the bag. This one has random fly stitch on the mid blue patch. This has been a very effective way of creating a little texture in a short time.

And here is a side view to show just how fancy I can be when I want too. I'm not an inches girl, but this is about 4" by 6" in size. It would make a nice little evening bag.
Back to elizabets bag, the deadline is looming.


May Britt said...

Your bag is beautiful. I love bags in all shapes.

Hugs from Norway

Anonymous said...

This is REALLY nice!

Elizabet said...

Even for paisley thats a really pretty bag! And remember the deadline for the bag has been pushed back to 9th Sept, and if you need more than that just tell me!

Ati said...

Jo, I LOVE it!! your embroidery is great as always.

Digitalgran said...

I love the bag!

Susan said...

I think it's beautiful and the coin color is just fine. I'm not all that crazy about paisley, but this . . . I could own this!

Julia said...

I love paisley and your bag is beautiful...

yarnahoy said...

That is such a beautiful bag!

Anonymous said...

Is there a pattern for this bag or cutting measurements? I love it! I can even do metric. LOL :-)

Becky said...
