
Originally uploaded by Jo in NZ.

Blogger is not co operating with photos today, so lots of posts for the same thing. Sorry.

I finally sat down and finished the tobacco pouch, and here are the results. I am *REALLY* pleased with this. I think I will mail it to her, so it's a surpise, which it will be anyway, cos her birthday was last week! and I don't normally get her anything.

Here is the finished pouch, closed and ready for travel.


Mary on Norfolk Island said...

Hello Jo...I will post a picture of the teapot quilt soon! Actually had an "official" photographer at the progressive dinner who will put the evening onto a CD, and someone especially asked her to photograph the quilt.

Anonymous said...

This is absolutely lovelY! What a kind and thoughtful gift. I'm enjoying perusing all your wonderful work....thanks for having coffee and art share with me this morning.