Blog flog -well webpage..

You absolutely have to go and have a look at this site. GULHiS .com. I have linked to a page I like, but you can navigate your way around from there. I think it is the plain fabrics that appeal to me. I don't know, I just think her work is GREAT!
Go, NOW!!


Digitalgran said...

Thanks for that lovely website, there's some really wonderful eye candy there. She must spend every single minute of every day creating those wonderful things.

Grangry said...

Thank you for sharing this link. What lovely, bright, lively work! Really cheerful!

Julia said...

Thank you for the link, that cq is amazing...

Jo in NZ said...

I cannot take credit, it was posted on another group I belong to.
Her work is so lovely, I spent ages looking at everything.

Now, why do I have to do word verification of my own blog!

Anonymous said...

yes, she's amazing! Thanks for that.....I love finding new artists and reveling in the creativity of others. Thanks!