Fan Block - more progress

Did a bit more work on the fan block this evening. Added a pink 'flight path' to the dragonfly, which has broken up the blue braid stuff. I did add some french knots to the roses, but they haven't made any difference. And I started the final panel in the fan...oh and the spidey too ( that you can't see, sucs for you!) I'll get it in the next shot...promise.
Good night.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, You are to talented with that crazy quilting. I want to see the dag um' spider on the web!!!!!! I like the pink over the blue on the flight path. That fabric on my bag is great. Thanks for noticing my mosaic coat rack, I did make it. I love mosaics, check out my other projects pics. I have been working on my Grandmother's steps for a while now. Ignore the mud and dirt in those pics it had been raining when I snapped the pics.